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Malachite: For Protection, Healing Heart, and Creativity in the Dream World


Chakra: Heart Chakra Zodiac


Sign: Capricorn and Scorpio


Element: Earth Origin: Congo


Affirmation: "I choose to attract positivity around me by radiating positive energy from within. I choose love, not fear."


Energy: Malachite is a powerful stone for absorbing negative energies, including environmental frequencies like shockwaves and EMF radiation. Its grounding effect removes toxicity, fostering a serene, positively charged environment.


Growth: This stone assists in emotional, mental, and spiritual growth, urging the recognition and use of personal power. It encourages risk-taking, breaking old patterns and habits, and taking responsibility for thoughts and actions.


Transformation: Known as a stone of transformation, Malachite acts as a balancing agent. It clears the path to desired goals, facilitating change and progress.



One Piece of Natural Malachite Freeform, Polished

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